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Trust a Cosmetic Dentist in Centerville, Ditch These Trends!

November 22, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 2:51 pm

woman beautiful smileThere’s nothing wrong with going natural—in most cases. When speaking about dental health, there have been improvements to natural dental hygiene practices—especially when it comes to whitening your teeth.

Rather than relying on a beauty influencer’s YouTube tutorial video, trust your local cosmetic dentist in Centerville with the health and aesthetics of your teeth.

Here are 3 natural teeth trends that you should think twice about before trying.


Annual Dental Insurance Coverage – Use it or Lose it!

October 6, 2017

dentist and patient discussing dental insurance If you don’t read dental insurance policies for fun in your spare time – you’re not alone! However, unless you take the time to familiarize yourself with your unique benefit plan, you may be missing out on making the most of your dental insurance. Fortunately for most patients, a knowledgeable dentistry team is familiar with all the ins and out of dental insurance, and what’s even more important, they’re happy to help you make the most of your coverage. Keep reading to find out more about maximizing your year end dental insurance benefits.

Porcelain Veneers in Centerville Can Give You a New Smile!

August 12, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 1:59 pm

young man smiling white teethHow do you feel about your smile? Whether a tooth is crooked, discolored, or chipped, even the smallest flaw can be a distraction from the rest of your teeth.

Great dentists believe that all patients can, and should, have the opportunity to achieve a radiant smile. As one of the various cosmetic treatments that can help patients reach their goals is porcelain veneers in Centerville. To see if you may benefit from veneers, consider what makes a good candidate for this procedure.


Get a Better Smile with Your Cosmetic Dentist in Centerville

June 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dpsmilesteam @ 11:11 pm

Your cosmetic dentist in Centerville will transform your smile.When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you have a dark, discolored, and misaligned smile staring back at you? If so, it is easy to feel insecure about your teeth. Not to mention, you can feel like you are judged based on their appearance. How you feel about your smile plays a significant role in your quality of life as it can negatively impact your social and career prospects. Now, you can reverse your low self-esteem and love what you see in the mirror with your dentist in Centerville. Dr. Daniel Passidomo offers the personalized services you need for a new level of confidence.

Your Dentist in Centerville Does Orthodontics

June 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 9:13 pm

Your dentist in Centerville evaluates patients for orthodontic correction.Patients receive well-planned and carefully executed orthodontic care from Dr. Daniel J. Passidomo, a dentist in Centerville. He and his team want their patients fully informed on the process of getting and maintaining braces so their treatment progresses on time and is easier to live with. After all, the goal of getting braces is more than an attractive smile; your dentist in Centerville wants your oral health and your overall well-being to thrive.


Your Dentist In Centerville Restores Smiles With Dental Implants

April 21, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 2:06 pm

 Life-like, long-lasting dental implants from your dentist in Centerville are the best way to replace teeth. Your smile is your best feature – that’s why that one troublesome tooth on the side of your mouth has always bothered you. Not matter how much you brush and floss, or how often you see your dentist in Centerville, it’s just not as healthy as your other teeth. When it finally comes out, you’re dismayed – you’re not even 40, and you can’t imagine having dentures already. But luckily for you, the team at Daniel J. Passidomo Cosmetic & Family Dentistry know that a dental implant in Centerville is the best course of treatment for you. In this post, they explain what these are, how they work, and how to tell if you’re a good candidate for this superior restorative option.


What to Expect From Your Centerville Dentist

March 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:24 pm

: Here’s what you can expect from your Centerville dentist.Finding a dentist who can fix your teeth is not hard. Finding a dentist who practices with compassion and dedication to their patients’ body, mind, heart, and spirit is not. If you want a dental provider at this level, look no further than Dr. Daniel J. Passidomo. For over 20 years Dr. Passidomo has been providing patients with comprehensive and caring dentistry that exceeds his patients’ expectations at every visit. Here’s what you can expect from your Centerville Dentist.


Repair Your Tooth with a Dental Crown in Centerville

February 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 3:51 pm

A dental crown in Centerville restores your health and appearanceRebuild and beautify–those are the two important functions of a dental crown in Centerville. Skillfully placed by Dr. Daniel Passidomo, dentist in Centerville, this tried and true dental restoration is a great alternative to tooth extraction. Dr. Passidomo has placed many dental crowns, and he keeps current on all the latest techniques and trends in modern dentistry. So you know his work will bring your mouth back to full function, health and aesthetics. Here’s some information on dental crowns and how they may help your smile.



Dentist in Centerville Suggests 4 Healthy Habits for 2017

January 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 4:37 am

Your dentist in Centerville wants to wish you a happy New Year! Consider adopting these healthy habits in 2017 for a stronger, happier smile.Happy New Year from Dr. Daniel Passidomo’s office! We’re looking forward to a year filled with happy, healthy smiles. Maybe you’ve vowed to read more nonfiction or check in on social media less this year — but what are your dental health resolutions for 2017? If you haven’t made any yet, it’s not too late! Your dentist in Centerville has some suggestions for healthy smile habits. Adopt one, two, or all of them for long-lasting oral health!


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