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DP Smile Center Blog

The Serious Consequences of Ignoring A Toothache

July 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 4:56 pm
man with gray hair in blue shirt squinting in pain and pressing fingers to aching jaw

Imagine this scenario: your tooth has been aching for a little while and seems to be getting worse, but you have been too busy or perhaps anxious about the dentist to make an appointment. You tell yourself you will get to it when you are able, because though inconvenient, you figure you can deal with the pain for a little while longer until it resolves itself or your schedule frees up.


Teeth Whitening Throughout the Ages

June 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 9:00 pm
Woman smiles

People throughout history have sought out ways to achieve a whiter smile. In cases of superficial discoloration such as a buildup of plaque or food debris, cleaning the teeth proved to be sufficient to produce a brighter grin. However, cultures throughout history have also developed different methods to treat more stubborn forms of discoloration. Read on to learn about the history of teeth whitening and how it evolved into its modern form.


The Perfect Gift for Your Graduate: An Upgraded Smile!

May 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 1:53 am
a man smiling with beautiful teeth from cosmetic treatments on graduation day

Graduating from high school or college is a wonderful time! There are boundless possibilities ahead for the graduates. As they step into a new future, you can add a bright smile to light the way by giving the gift of cosmetic dentistry. By enhancing their teeth, you can help them pave the way for their new career, college, and social life by boosting their confidence. Read on to learn the benefits of renewing your smile and the best cosmetic dental treatments to give as a gift.


Tips to Help You Find an Emergency Dentist Right Away

April 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 12:01 am
a digital illustration of a tooth in front of a dental emergency kit

Any type of unexpected event can through you for a loop, but it can be especially shocking when it affects your smile! When a dental emergency strikes, you may not know what to do right away. The first thing to do is to contact an emergency dentist so your smile can be treated as soon as possible. By seeking immediate help for your help, you can make the situation more manageable and receive guidance for your next steps. Read on to learn about dental emergencies and how to find an emergency dentist right away.


Why Is My Toothache Worse at Night?

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 7:56 pm

Woman with hand on face from dental painIf you’ve ever spent a night tossing and turning from a toothache, it may seem like the pain increases after the sun sets. Dental pain can intensify at night for many reasons, like fewer distractions or what you ate for dinner. You can prevent a restless night by avoiding 5 common things that can make your toothache worse at night.


The 5 Steps to Getting Veneers

January 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 7:53 am
A dentist performing the veneer process

At this point, you may have heard of dental veneers. This cosmetic treatment can transform your smile from the ground up! That said, you may want to know more about the veneer process before you commit. After all, having more details will help you confirm if the porcelain shells are right for you. It’s a good thing, then, that your local Centerville dentist can explain. Here is a summary of the five major steps in placing porcelain veneers.


3 Common Winter Mouth Issues & How to Protect Your Smile from the Cold

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 2:22 am
a couple smiling during the winter season

The winter season can be full of enjoyable moments, like sipping on a warm cup of hot chocolate while sitting near a cozy fire. However, once you must get out in the cold weather, your grin may suffer from some uncomfortable symptoms as you are out and about. Here are three of the most common oral issues that may affect you during the colder months and what you can do to keep your smile healthy.


Thanksgiving Foods That Might Stain Your Teeth

November 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 11:28 pm
cranberry sauce

From turkey to pie to veggies galore, the holiday season is what we’ve all been waiting for! This time of year is a favorite of many for the food, fun, and family. With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, you may find yourself daydreaming about diving into your favorite seasonal treats that you’ve been waiting 365 days to eat. Unfortunately, some of your favorite foods might leave unsightly stains on your smile. Continue reading to learn about some of the Thanksgiving foods that can stain your teeth.


3 Cavity-Fighting Beverages

October 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 12:17 am

Milk being poured in glassYour enamel is the hardest substance in your body. It’s even stronger than some metals; however, it isn’t indestructible, and it can’t regenerate. The biggest threat to your enamel is tooth decay. Although cavities are preventable, 91% of adults have had at least one. Not to mention, 25% of adults have untreated decay. Brushing and flossing can combat harmful oral bacteria, but your diet is equally important. Besides limiting surgery foods, dental professionals recommend adding 3 cavity-fighting beverages to your day.


What Does a Disappearing Toothache Mean?

September 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpsmilesteam @ 11:55 pm
person with a toothache holding their cheek

A toothache is never a welcome feeling. Intense dental pain can make it hard to sleep, chew, and to just get through the day. There are several things that can cause toothaches, such as tooth infections. If the tooth suddenly stops hurting, you may take this as a good sign. This means that it’s cured, right? Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Read on to learn what it means when a toothache suddenly goes away and what you should do if this happens to you.

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